

【フランス大学院留学】Personal Statementの書き方と例

この記事は、パリ政治学院MPAへの出願にあたって、どのようにPersonal Statementを作成したか、どのようなスケジュールで進めたか、最終的にどのようなものを提出したかについて。なお、最終的にパリ政治学院から入学許可をもらったものの、入学は1年延期したので、2021年-2022年はパリ政治学院には在籍していない。



Personal Statementとは何か?

海外大学院留学でよく聞くSoP(Statement of Perpose)は、ある程度の専門性を前提に、志望する研究テーマや関連した知見、研究能力をアピールするのがセオリー。一方、Personal Statementは、色々と海外サイトでの作成例を読んだところ、専門的な研究の経験よりも個人的なストーリーを重視するものだと解釈した。


1.10月半ば パリ政治学院に出願することを決めたらまずは出願アカウントを作成。必要な書類の詳細や提出様式を確認。2021年のPersonal Statementで大学側が求めていた内容は以下のとおり。

・Sciences Poはどのようにそしてなぜ個人的な/仕事上の目標を達成する助けとなるのか
・どのようにSciences Poに貢献できるか



オンラインフォームに直接打ち込む方式。過去には項目(自己紹介/パリ政治学院で学びたいこと など)ごとに記入欄が分かれていたらしい。PDF添付なら形式を整える必要があるし、まずは実際に提出する様式を確認する。


2.10月後半 ネタ出し。学校や職場での経験、そこから得たこと、学んだこと、印象的だったこと、今後の課題(個人的な能力/社会的な問題について)、目標を思いつくままにひたすら書き出す。A4で2枚程度。

例:大学では○○専攻。特に××を勉強。ゼミでは… サークルでは… ○○に就職。一つ目の部署では××担当。○○についての会議で**について調整して○○報告書を作成。フランスの○○省と××について交渉。二つの目の部署では… 今の部署では… 今後は**の部署で○○を担当したい。国際機関で**の分野の途上国支援をしたい。 などなど。










4.10月末 文章にして英訳。




5.10月末~11月半ば 推敲に推敲を重ねる。

数日置いて自分で読み返してみたり、留学経験者やメイントピックに詳しい人からアドバイスをもらいながら推敲。また、ネイティブチェックをお願いした人が、たまたま英国の大学のAdmission Officeでの審査経験もあるという方で、構成についても指摘をもらった。特に、




を1対1対1の分量で書くのがセオリーであるところ、 「これまでの職務と将来の目標、そのために必要なこと」というまとめ方をしているため、「将来像」が見えにくいとの指摘があった。指摘を受けて、要素はあまり変えずに構成を見直した。



Personal Statementの例

私が提出したPersonal Statementです。



I believe that digital technology has handed us a revolutionary tool that allows us to bridge the gap to the wider world, and amid what we could call the confinement in our lives that has been caused by COVID-19 it has been become clearer that online communication is an essential infrastructure and is absolutely vital for our daily lives. However, without proper regulations, there is always a risk that the sound development of technology and services will be hindered, and can even disadvantage users. The goal of my life is to create an environment where digital technology continues to be a useful tool for all the people.


Nearly 20 years ago, the only tool I had that enabled me to connect with other kids of my age around the world was the Internet, which at the time was increasingly available in most households. Through the Internet I discovered the international exchange system for high school students, and this enabled me to spend one year in France at the age of 16. During this period, I could use Skype, which had been recently released at the time, to call my family back home in Japan. Because of this experience I could enjoy French culture and literature courses at the *** University and deepen my knowledge of French, while at the same time taking on basic science courses to develop basic skills to understand various technologies in the future.

(業務経験1 なぜフランスで学びたいかの理由づけ)

After graduating I joined ***. I was responsible for ***. During this period, due to my French language abilities, I worked closely with French representatives to coordinate with other countries, which made me recognize the leadership that France gives to the European Union.

(業務経験2 なぜこの分野を学びたいかの理由づけ)
At present, I am working in a department that deals with ***, and I am mainly in charge of  *** . This practical work has really brought home to me that current regulations are yet to keep up with the latest technology, as well as how difficult it is to design appropriate systems with rapidly emerging digital technologies.

(業務経験まとめ 目標とそのために必要なこと)

These experiences above have led me to develop concrete plans for the future:  *** . Therefore, I need to learn more about *** .

Eventualy, I would like to work at *** . Thus, I need to polish my skill of ***.

(なぜパリ政治学院か1 フランスの重要性)

With this outlook for the future, I believe that the Master in Public Affairs (MPA) offered at Sciences Po represents the perfect way forward because of three reasons. Sciences Po is a French institution that embodies the idea of international cooperation and continues to play a leading role in international institutions and in the EU. Through discussions in the "***" course, ***.

(なぜパリ政治学院か 専門分野の講義)

The second reason is the unique policy stream of *** that offers professional and academic courses on regulations related to ***, such as ***. Moreover, these courses are often delivered by the rule-making parties themselves, such as ***. From the courses of this policy stream, I will be able to gain a multifaceted understanding, and grasp the gist of the rule-making process by examining how new technologies should be regulated.

(なぜパリ政治学院か 生徒の多様性)

The third reason for why I believe this programme is perfect for me is because of the opportunity it provides me to study alongside mid-career professionals from all over the world. My acquaintance who attended MPA from 2019 to 2020 told me that the high quality of the students at MPA enabled them to have in-depth discussions at lectures which brought together people who were able to identify regulation problems and consider solutions to specific issues, on the back of their own expansive professional backgrounds. MPA provides a hands-on learning environment, not only about France or the EU, but also about other countries.


I am more than ready to contribute to the School of Public Affairs at Science Po with my own professional experience, knowledge and analytical skills which I have acquired through *** , and I am eager to deepen my own insights into the global digital sector through your school’s specialized program and international environment.